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School of Concrete and Construction Management

Tuition & Scholarships


Current tuition and fees for MTSU students are available at Concrete Industry Management students will also have an American Concrete Institute certification feefor CIM 3000 and CIM 3050.


The School of Concrete and Construction Management (CCM) is fortunate to have many MTSU departmental scholarships available for both Concrete Industry Management and Construction Management students. Concrete Industry Management students should complete the CIM scholarship application and Construction Management students should complete the CM scholarship application to be considered.  The application allows student to apply for all scholarships for which they are eligible within their respective programs. The deadline to complete the application is April 1 for the following academic year.

In addition, there are many external (outside MTSU) scholarships available for students. These are scholarships are made available by companies, industry boards, and others. These scholarship applications are separate from the MTSU CCM scholarships (common application). Each of these scholarships has its own requirements and deadlines as outlined below.

Students may also want to check scholarships available to ALL undergraduate students through financial aid. Lastly, some out-of-state students may qualify for in-state tuition through the Academic Common Market.

Internal Scholarships:

Concrete Industry Management

Construction Management

External Scholarships (deadlines vary)

Concrete Industry Management 

Construction Management

MTSU School of CCM

Mailing Address:
MTSU Box 24
1301 E. Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Phone: 615-494-7658

Fax: 615-898-5296

For questions about a degree in CIM:

For questions about Construction Management: