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School of Concrete and Construction Management

Tennessee Concrete Association Scholarship

This scholarship is awarded to a full-time college student or high school senior who intends to major in Concrete Industry Management at MTSU. 
Amount:$500 freshman year; $2,500 per year after for up to four years total
Deadline:April 1
Criteria:Be a U.S. citizen Attend MTSU as a full-time student with a major in Concrete Industry Management Student must maintain a 2.0 GPA  and maintain a full-time course load for this scholarship to be renewed annually
Contact:Sally Victory
MTSU Concrete Industry Management
1301 E. Main Street
MTSU Campus Box 24
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

MTSU School of CCM

Mailing Address:
MTSU Box 24
1301 E. Main Street
Murfreesboro, TN 37132

Phone: 615-494-7658

Fax: 615-898-5296

For questions about a degree in CIM:

For questions about Construction Management: